As CEO of New Microsoft: 'Who am I?' First email to staff Satya Nadella

As CEO of New Microsoft: 'Who am I?' First email to staff Satya Nadella

From: Satya Nadella
To: All Employees
Date: Feb. 4, 2014
Subject: RE: Satya Nadella - Microsoft's New CEO
Today might be a horribly undignified day for the benefit of me. It refreshes my memory of my horribly first day at Microsoft, 22 years agone. Like you, I had an option with respect to any place to return to figure. I came here because I trusted Microsoft was the best organization in the world. I saw at that point anyway plainly we will in general enable people to attempt to do sorcerous things with our manifestations and eventually fabricate the planet a more grounded place. I knew there could have been no higher organization to hitch in the event that I expected to shape a qualification. this can be precisely the same motivation that keeps on driving Pine Tree Express nowadays. 

It is an inconceivable honor for me to guide and serve this pleasant organization of our own. Steve and Bill have taken it from an idea to at any rate truly outstanding and most all-around adored firms inside the world. I have been fortunate to figure intimately with each Bill and Steve in my very surprising parts at Microsoft, and as I step in as Chief, I've requested that Bill commit past customary opportunity to the corporate, focused on innovation and product. I'm furthermore trying forward to working with John Thompson as our new Director of the Board. 

While we have seen pleasant achievement, we will in general square measure hungry to attempt to do extra. Our business doesn't regard custom - it exclusively regards advancement. this can be a crucial time for the business and for Microsoft. fabricate no mix-up, we will in the general square measure set out toward bigger spots - as innovation advances and that we advance with and sooner than it. Our responsibility is to ensure that Microsoft flourishes in an extremely versatile and cloud-first world. 

As we will in general start a spic and span part of our excursion along, I expected to share some foundation on myself and what summons and rouses. 

Who am I? 

I'm 46. I've been hitched for a very long time and we have 3 children. What's more, similar to any other person, a great deal of what I do and how I think has been formed by my family and my general educational encounters. Numerous who realize me say I'm likewise characterized by my interest and hunger for learning. I purchase a larger number of books than I can wrap up. I pursue more online courses than I can finish. I in a general sense accept that in the event that you are not learning new things, you quit doing extraordinary and helpful things. So family, interest and want information all characterize me. 

What am I doing here? 

I'm here for a similar explanation I think the vast majority join Microsoft - to change the world through innovation that engages individuals to do astounding things. I realize it can sound exaggerated - but then it's actual. We have done it, we're doing it today, and we are the group that will do it once more. 

I accept throughout the following decade figuring will turn out to be much more universal and insight will get surrounding. The coevolution of programming and new equipment structure elements will moderate and digitize - a significant number of the things we do and experience in business, life, and our reality. This will be made conceivable by an always developing organization of associated gadgets, unimaginable registering limit from the cloud, experiences from huge information, and knowledge from AI. 

This is a product-fueled world. 

It will better interface us to our loved ones and help us see, express, and offer our reality in manners at no other time conceivable. It will empower organizations to connect with clients in more significant manners. 

I'm here in light of the fact that we have an unrivaled ability to have an effect. 

What are we doing here? 

In our initial history, our central goal was about the PC on each work area and home, an objective we have for the most part accomplished in the created world. Today we're centered around a more extensive scope of gadgets. While the arrangement isn't yet finished, we will welcome our family Nokia gadgets and administrations and the new versatile capacities they bring us. 

As we look forward, we should focus on what Microsoft can extraordinarily add to the world. The chance ahead will expect us to reconsider a ton of what we have done in the past for a versatile and cloud-first world, and do new things. 

We are the lone ones who can tackle the force of programming and convey it through gadgets and administrations that genuinely enable each person and each association. We are the solitary organization with the history and proceeded with the center in building stages and environments that set out wide freedom. 

Qi Lu caught it well in a new gathering when he said that Microsoft particularly enables individuals to "accomplish more." This doesn't imply that we need to accomplish more things, yet that the work we do engages the world to accomplish a greater amount of what they care about - complete stuff, have a good time, impart and get extraordinary things done. This is the center of what our identity is, and driving this basic belief in all that we do - be it the cloud or gadget encounters - is the reason we are here. 

What do we do straightaway? 

To summarize a statement from Oscar Wilde - we need to have faith in the incomprehensible and eliminate the impossible. 

This begins with a clearness of direction and feeling of mission that will lead us to envision the inconceivable and convey it. We need to focus on advancement that is fixated on our guiding principle of enabling clients and associations to "accomplish more." We have picked a bunch of high-esteem exercises as a feature of our One Microsoft methodology. Also, with each help and gadget dispatch going ahead we need to carry more development to bear around these situations. 

Then, all of us need to accomplish our best work, lead and help drive social change. We once in a while think little of how we each can deal with getting things going and overestimate what others need to do to push us ahead. We should change this. 

At last, I genuinely accept that every one of us should discover importance in our work. The best work happens when you realize that it's work, yet something that will improve others' lives. This is the chance that drives every one of us at this organization. 

Numerous organizations try to change the world. Be that as it may, not very many have every one of the components required: ability, assets, and persistence. Microsoft has demonstrated that it has every one of the three in plenitude. What's more, as the new Chief, I can't request a superior establishment. 

How about we expand on this establishment together. 


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